Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Infants Need Chiropractic Care

Infants Need Chiropractic Care!

Lanpher Chiropractic Clinic

 This statement confuses some people who believe that Chiropractors primairly treat back pain. In reality chiropractic deals with correcting subluxations. Subluxations are areas of interference to the nervous system caused by pressure or irritation from bones in the spine. Chiropractors correct these subluxations. One of the most common causes of a subluxation in an infant is the birth process.

Chiropractors have been warning people of the danger to newborns from the common birth processes used today. Birth is a natural phenomenon that should not be viewed or treated as a medical condition. However, in an attempt to “manage” the birth process, many problems are created.

The most prevalent danger chiropractors have been warning about when it comes to the birth process is Traumatic Birth Syndrome resulting in the creation of subluxations. Numerous articles and experts have warned of the damage that occurs to the nervous system in the neck of newborns during the trauma involved in the common birth process. This damage ranges from mild subluxations in the upper neck to more serious subluxations involving spinal cord damage, neural hemorrhage and central nervous system problems.

Chiropractors have been stressing for years the importance of having newborns checked for vertebral subluxations. Checking the spine of an infant is painless and easy. The importance of a developing baby being free of nerve interference from subluxation cannot be understated. Even infants that appear healthy may have subluxations due to the trauma of birth. All babies deserve the best chance at a healthy happy life. 

                                                 Babies Deserve Chiropractic!


Monday, March 25, 2013

The Unknown Dangers of Antibiotics

The Unknown Dangers of Antibiotics

Most of us have taken antibiotics at some point in our lives. We take these powerful drugs because we are told by our healthcare professionals that we must. After all, who would want to risk a serious bacterial infection when it could be easily avoided? Antibiotics are designed to kill disease-causing bacteria, however, they cannot distinguish between good and bad bacteria. In addition, they contribute to our largest source of toxins - those generated within our own digestive system.

There are over 100 trillion good bacteria in our bodies that play a vital role in our overall health and well-being, particularly to immune function and digestion.
If the bacteria in our digestive systems are out of balance (or absent), a chain of undesirable events is initiated including improper digestion, malnutrition and incomplete absorption of nutrients. The beneficial bacteria in our digestive tracts produce necessary vitamins including B vitamins and K vitamins. Without the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract, a vitamin deficiency can result.
Furthermore, when antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria, undesirable yeasts and bacteria thrive and take over. Candida is an excellent example and affects more and more people causing uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, rashes, headaches, and lethargy. When antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria, it sets the stage for uncontrollable candida growth. Yeasts also produce immune-reactive substances which forces the immune system to work on overdrive. It eventually can stress the immune system to the point of immune suppression or even total breakdown. Yeasts also inhibit magnesium absorption, damage gut tissue (which leads to leaky gut syndrome), and a variety of other health problems ranging from chronic fatigue to allergies to arthritis.
Because of antibiotics, ‘incurable’ strains of bacteria are being discovered. Many infectious diseases that were once treated with antibiotics are now resistant to them. More and more people die each year because of antibiotic-resistant infections acquired in hospitals. A World Health Organization (WHO) report stated that: "the spread of untreatable infections is threatening to undermine modern advances in health care. In many hospitals, antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus infections are epidemic. The inappropriate use of antibiotics is to blame both for the increase in drug-resistant microbes and for the weakened immune system of patients." Weakened immune systems play a crucial role in the development of AIDS, autoimmune disorders, asthma, allergies and plenty of other health problems.
The best course of action whether or not you are currently on antibiotics is to be consuming probiotics, which contain live bacteria that will repopulate the gut.
If you neglect to help replenish the good bacteria after a course of antibiotics, you are risking reinfection, as your immune system will be compromised. A good practice is to begin taking probiotics while taking antibiotics; however, you should wait at least a few hours after your dose of antibiotics to take a dose of probiotics. And the best practice is to avoid taking antibiotics at all!

There are also probiotic supplements available that come in tablet, powder capsule or liquid form. These are all available at Lanpher Chiropractic Clinic, and Dr. Lanpher is available for testing of any of these supplements.

1. Acidophilus DDS - This natural probiotic will repopulate the gut with the good bacteria and keep the bad bacteria in check. This will prevent yeast overgrowth and unwanted secondary symptoms.

2. Candida High Potency 9 - This liquid form of probiotic is actually a detox system that comes with three products. One kills the bad bacteria that is growing out of control in the gut, one repopulates the gut with good bacteria and one heals the lining of the gut to prevent further infections and problems.
There may be times when taking an antibiotic is necessary; however, the majority of the time they are used without sufficient cause and end up doing much more damage than good. Most bacterial infections can be healed naturally. So the next time you get a chest cold, instead of running to the M.D., contact your Natural Care Provider.... Dr. Lanpher for some natural alternatives that allow your body to heal itself and become stronger by doing so!
Here are some powerful, natural immune support supplements that promote overall health and well being:
1. CPA - General overall immune support, and natural anti-histamine support for allergies

2. Cataplex AC - General overall immune support

3. Immuplex - Immune support for viral infections

4. Congaplex - Immune support for bacterial infections

5. Garlics and Onions - Both of these foods have been used over the centuries for their antibiotic properties. Garlic has both antibacterial and anti-fungal effects, and has shown in studies to reduce a bacteria seen in head colds and such. Just add more garlic and onions to your everyday diet to prevent your system from getting run down with the bacteria we all encounter everyday.
6. Oregano - Oregano shows an antibacterial and anti-fungal effect and is found in our ADP supplement.
You don't have to worry about natural antibiotics killing the good bacteria in your gut as they, unlike prescription antibiotics, are able to target only the bad bacteria. You can use these natural remedies on a regular basis, and Dr. Lanpher is available for counseling and testing by appointment.
Dr. Lanpher D.C., Lanpher Chiropractic Clinic
Steady Health
Natural News


Monday, March 18, 2013

Hiatal Hernia? Chiropractic Can Help

Hiatal Hernia? Chiropractic Can Help

by Dr Rob R. Lanpher D.C., D.A.B.C.O.

Do You Need Antacids or a Chiropractic Adjustment?


You might not think about going to your chiropractor to get relief from abdominal discomfort, but think again…

Here at Lanpher Chiropractic Clinic, we see many patients who have been dealing with digestive related distress – some for a very long time.  The stomach is a major organ along the digestive pathway, and a big player in a condition known as a hiatal hernia – which basically means that the stomach spasms and pushes up on your diaphragm leading to symptoms such as:

• heartburn

• pain in the upper abdomen

• chest pain

• difficulty breathing

• anxiety

• panic attack symptoms

How the Stomach Can Create So Many Problems

The condition of ‘heartburn’ is also known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) wherein some of the acidic contents of the stomach escapes through the the top of the stomach and projects upwards into the esophagus causing a  painful burning sensation in the chest.

The esophagus (that tube running from the mouth to the stomach) penetrates through a large muscle called the diaphragm in its journey from the mouth to the stomach. The opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes is called a hiatus (which simply means ‘hole’)

Normally, when we swallow and food goes into the stomach, the hole at the top of the stomach closes, keeping food and the acidic digestive juices within the confines of the stomach.  Under certain circumstances, the upper portion of the stomach actually pushes up through the hole (hiatus) in the diaphragm causing a ‘hiatal hernia.’  This can result in pain in the stomach area, chest pain and the more commonly known heartburn sensation.

As with most conditions, there is a range of severity for hiatal hernias from mild to moderate to severe.  Severe conditions may require more serious medical interventions such as surgery.

A Manual ‘Adjustment’ May Be All You Need

For mild and moderate conditions, however, a manual procedure to physically pull the stomach down below the diaphragm can be very helpful.  Along with dietary changes that reveal why the stomach is spasming and possible nutritional supplements to reduce stomach acidity, this manual procedure can bring immediate relief or produce gradual improvement over repeated manipulations.

The stomach pull-down procedure (Hiatal Hernia Technique) is performed here at Lanpher Chiropractic Office by a doctor of chiropractic who is trained in the technique. The patient can either stand against a wall or lie on a treatment table to receive the technique.  While there may be some mild discomfort associated with the technique, it’s worth it considering there is often immediate relief.  The patient can take a deeper breath and the  pressure and pain subsides.  The procedure may need to be repeated multiple times for lasting results.

Causes of Hiatal Hernia

There are many causes of the stomach being caught in the diaphragm area. Examples are varied from vomiting, being constipated, eating gassy foods, bending over with a full stomach, eating something that makes you bloat, too much liquid with a meal, not being able to burp, lying down too soon after you eat, anything that creates pressure on the abdomen below the stomach. Women who are pregnant also get reflux or heartburn from the baby pressing up on their stomach. This procedure is safe and helpful for the above listed symptoms. Once the patient understands the cause, usually the condition can be resolved and the symptoms go away. This is much better than being on reflux or heartburn medication for the rest of your life.

Final thoughts

In addition to the above, our Chiropractor can perform a manipulation called a ‘diaphragmatic release’ that can reduce the tension of the diaphragm as well as related muscles in the area of the rib cage.

Also, chiropractic adjustments, performed in the neck and mid-back can positively affect nerves that go to the diaphragm itself.

Sometimes part of the cause is inadequate digestive enzymes, these can be a big help in correcting this condition. Also a herbal formula that has great success and is used in China at healing clinics is beneficial. All of these products can be discussed with Dr. Lanpher as he evaluates your condition

If you or anyone you know suffers from acid reflux, heartburn, chest pain or panic attacks, please consider getting evaluated for a hiatal hernia. A simple, natural and drug-free therapy may be all that’s needed to eradicate your discomfort.

Please discuss this with Dr. Lanpher if you or other members of your family have any of these symptoms or problems.

Thank You,

Lanpher Chiropractic Clinic